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Are you single, discouraged, brokenhearted and/or misunderstood?

Welcome to Broken Vessels Speak, LLC – the home of faith-based podcasting and coaching. We will empower you to ignite your faith in The Lord, and embrace the real power of Jesus Christ.




At Broken Vessels Speak, LLC, we believe that faith is the foundation of a fulfilling life. Our mission is to help people reconnect with their faith, challenge religious dogma, and embrace the transformative power of Jesus Christ.


Our podcast is a way for us to provide inspiration and guidance. It has become a great resource for those seeking to reignite their relationship with Jesus Christ the right way, deepen their faith, and provide help to overcome life's obstacles.


Available now, we are offering coaching services to anyone needing a more specialized approach as they continue to receive encouragement and guidance.  Our coaching services provide a safe space for you to heal, grow, and connect with God.


Here at broken vessels, we believe in the restoration power thru Jesus christ l, who dies on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day! Thru him, and his resurrection power that is promised to those who recieve salvation belive that our shattered pieces can be made whole again. 


Though salvation is free, there is a price to be paid for the journey that has no end destination but into eternity. That process is called sanctification, and it's a matter of dying to these fleshly desires that cause us to stumble, apostle Paul says it best with he stated in Galatians 5:15-16: "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do."


Join our community today and start unleashing the power of faith in your life.


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Her Story of Redemption & Freedom​

-More about Sista Lasasaya-


"Being baptized at 10 I thought I had this all figured it out, I would be renewed and set free from my sins... WRONG. I spent the next 15 years jumping thru hoops and dodging the devil, 9 times out of 10 I was partying with him and having him be my buddy. I was at the church clapping my hands, but it was a hit and miss. I heard what was going on but I didn't comprehend. I stopped going at 14ish years old and didnt start going back to chruch for real until i was 21. Then I gave Jesus my real yes around 25ish. 


After one failed relationship, and in the middle of a situationship I discovered that I made this man a whole idol! What he wanted/needed I wanted to succeed his expectations while he was dropping ever one of mines. After many tears and struggles, God was calling me back to himself before I decided to go to a church.I was the Lord but I didn't know it at the time. A few years back into church, I took a challenge of doing a daniel fast(yes its a diet/grieving thing but walk with me) I gave it my best shot, stopped smoking, stop having sex(cuz ya girl was shacking up with my situationship for a season) fish sticks and frozen vegetables, reading a chapter of mathew[not understanding what i was reading] readings a devotional page a day and only watching, "christian movies," I TANGIBLY heard the Holy spirit told me to LEAVE my situationship. Now of course there are so many juicy tidbits along the way but YALL will have to listen to the podcast to catch on to that( that's a plug)! 


As I went on a journey of self love, walking side by side with the holy spirit he walked me thru the process of understanding WHY I allowed myself to take less than I deserved! The Lord showed me my value and I've been walking with it ever since! Sanctification is a PROCESS that Jesus said he would send us a helper to do it! The HOLY SPIRIT! 


I've stumbled, cried and have been a front passenger on the struggle bus of life! Have I always don't it right, NO. Have I been consistent with my yes, Definitely! As I've been working this sanctification process, it's been working me! It's a journey with no destination, as you watch me, walk with me. And let's do this process of sanctification, to an endless destination that will lead us to the other side of eternity. 




Our Podcast

Through an act of obedience by the leading of the Holy Spirit, Broken Vessels Speak, LLC became the home of faith-based coaching and podcasting.


This podcast is one of the ways used to empower our listener to overcome life's obstacles through introducing them to who Jesus really is and all that comes with knowing Him. 

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